About the Pet Industry Federation (PIF) Charter:
As members of the PIF, we're signed up to the 10 point charter.
All PIF members sign up to the PIF Charter, setting them apart from their competitors and giving their customers confidence that they represent best practice in the pet industry.
1.) Strive to improve industry standards.
2.) Promote responsible pet ownership.
3.) Strive to ensure customer satisfaction at all times.
4.) Always provide customers with clear and current information about products and services in a polite and professional manner.
5.) Ensure all staff are appropriately trained to carry out their job role and that they have a comprehensive understanding of company products, services and procedures.
6.) Minimise the environmental impact of the business wherever possible.
7.) Promote best practice in animal welfare by observing the Five Welfare Needs: Diet; Accommodation; Wellness; Sociability; Behaviour.
8.) Maintain the working environment to ensure it is fit for purpose.
9.) Abide by the Pet Industry Federation’s dispute resolution process and all current legislation relative to the business.
10.) Not bring the pet industry or the Pet Industry Federation into disrepute.